Sunday Dinner Table: Peach Pie

It’s peach season! Perhaps you’ve noticed? My sister-in-law, Kat, and I are doing an experiment. Every weekend we pick up different varieties of peaches at the local farmers markets, and then we rate them. The goal is to know which ones we really like so we can can them and freeze them when they are in season next year.

To say we have a lot of peaches is an understatement. Luckily for us, the July issue of Southern Living is dedicated to the glorious peach! For this Sunday’s dinner, we decided to make the Brown Sugar-Cinnamon Peach Pie. I’m not going to put the recipe here, because I didn’t make any changes to it, and copyright law is not really my specialty. You can, however, find the recipe here, if you are inclined to give it a try (and I highly recommend you do!).

But I do have pictures!

For this recipe, we used Sentry, a yellow peach.

Preparing to mix the ingredients.

In the pie crust.

The pie in the freezer. I hadn't read the directions thoroughly beforehand, so this part came as an unpleasant surprise.

The finished peach pie, browned to perfection.

This pie was so delicious it only lasted for one night. A few hints for those willing to try this recipe: It is very involved, so read through the instructions before you begin. There’s that whole freezer issue, and then the oven temperature also changes.

But totally worth it!

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2 Responses to Sunday Dinner Table: Peach Pie

  1. Renee says:

    Peaches are amazing! We moved to Georgia last August, so we are really loving the Georgia Peaches this year and oh sweet momma peach pie!

    • What to Keep says:

      The peaches are really great this year! I wonder if the hot weather has anything to do with it? Let me know if you have any suggestions for recipes!

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